Event has occured


March15-17th, 2024 - Billings, Montana

Springing back to Billings this spring!

Welcome! This year's Montana Environmental Education Association Conference will focus on creating connections in environmental education. We aim to share resources on this important topic to ensure environmental education is available to all demographics and incorporate the varied perspectives from across our state.

Conference Participation Rates
(include transaction fees)

for members
$150 for non-members *SAVE $30 by becoming a member.
$50 for Students/AmeriCorps
$30 for Exhibitors
*Organizational Members receive one free conference registration.


Interested in being a sponsor for this year's conference?
Contact Emily at

Title Sponsor: $1000
Foundation Sponsor: $500
Patron Sponsor: $250
Supporting  Sponsor: $100


Quotes from Previous Conferences

“The MEEA conference is consistently one of the best professional development opportunities I participate in. Networking opportunities in Montana for environmental, outdoor, conservation, and place-based educators are few and far between, so the MEEA conference is critical to sustaining and advancing what we all do!”

“As a classroom teacher and nonprofit outdoor educator/ecologist, MEEA’s conference allows me to step back, reflect and put into focus what’s really important in my practice – the process of seeking to understand the people and places that I serve and call home.”

“So many amazing speakers, so much incredible information and resources, and such a great opportunity to connect and network!”

“The MEEA Conference is such a great way to connect with the Environmental Education network across Montana. I truly value the time spent learning new skills, increasing my awareness, and meeting a diverse group of providers. You are my people!”

“I value the MEEA conference because it helps me be a continual learner. I really appreciated this year’s conference and how relevant all the presentations were. I enjoy connecting and hearing from experts in this field and related fields. Thanks for this opportunity!!!”