National Hook-Up of Black Women, Inc.
First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA) First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA) began 27 years ago with just a hotline that served to connect anyone arrested or detained by Chicago police with an on-call attorney. Currently, FDLA have several programs, and through advocacy, sustain and universalize access to basic civil and human rights. FDLA's “Help Not Jail” program is a 24/7/365 program connecting callers with resources to avoid arrest and interactions with the police. FDLA mobilizes lawyers and overpoliced community members to fill gaps in public defense and create, protect, and engage replicable alternatives to the criminal system starting with its entry points. FDLA’s other programs are: “Know Your Rights”, “Enforce Your Rights”, “Legal Help for Victims of Police Abuse”, “Jury of Peers.” FDLA believe in Fairness Dignity Liberation Accountability.Presenter: Nadia Woods is the Director of Community & Legal Education Programs